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This describes single asset Temporal AMM pool for asset ‘X’
Let be the number of asset units in the pool which unlock upon completion of the specific period ‘d’ (for duration). Duration is specified in days.
Let 𝐴𝑑 be the number of assets in the pool which unlock on or after completion of the specific period ‘d’ () a. (from d through to )
Let be the ‘notional interest units’; these are not real assets, but just book-keeping units created at pool bootstrapping to initialize a desired yield curve.
Let be the number of units of at d.
Let (Yield) be the interest rate at d
For any transaction of ‘u’ units at ‘d’, the following occurs
implying where represents the function iterates itself from to value (here, through ).
; where, ↻ represents the function iterates itself from to value (here, through ).
are determined by the table below in section ‘Transaction Impact’
In a borrowing / lending transaction (from pool’s perspective), units are transferred to / from the pool at the time of the transaction, and are to be repaid by / to the pool at ‘d’