Interest Rate Determination Mechanism: Zero Coupon

  • This describes single asset Temporal AMM pool for asset ‘X’

  • Let 𝐿𝑑𝐿_𝑑 be the number of asset units in the pool which unlock upon completion of the specific period ‘d’ (for duration). Duration is specified in days.

  • Let 𝐴𝑑 be the number of assets in the pool which unlock on or after completion of the specific period ‘d’ (𝐿𝑑𝐿_𝑑) a. Ad=ddmaxLdA_d = \sum_{d} ^ {d_{max}} L_d (from d through to dmaxd_{max})

  • Let iXiX be the ‘notional interest units’; these are not real assets, but just book-keeping units created at pool bootstrapping to initialize a desired yield curve.

  • Let iXdiX_d be the number of units of iXiX at d.

  • Let YdY_d (Yield) be the interest rate at d

  • Yd=[Ad+iXdAd(365d)]1Y_d = [\frac{A_d + iX_d} {A_d} ^{(\frac {365} {d})}] - 1

  • For any transaction of ‘u’ units at ‘d’, the following occurs

  • Ld±u;L_d \pm u; implying dz(Az±u).↻_d^z (A_z \pm u). where represents the function iterates itself from minmin to maxmax value (here, dmind_{min} through dd).

  • 𝑧=𝑑mind(iX±i)↻_{𝑧 = 𝑑_{min}}^{d} (iX \pm i); where, ↻ represents the function iterates itself from minmin to maxmax value (here, dmind_{min} through dd).

  • ±\pm are determined by the table below in section ‘Transaction Impact’

  • In a borrowing / lending transaction (from pool’s perspective), 𝑢'𝑢' units are transferred to / from the pool at the time of the transaction, and [u×(1+Yd)(d365)][u \times { (1 + Y_d) ^ {(\frac {d} {365})} }] are to be repaid by / to the pool at ‘d’

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